ESO_INS_AMPLj_CURR | float | Mean measured flux | mA |
ESO_INS_AMPLj_ID | str | Pico-amplifier j ID | |
ESO_INS_AMPLj_NBMEAS | int | Pico-amplifier j number of of measures | |
ESO_INS_AMPLj_STDEV | float | Pico-amplifier j LIGHT standard deviation | |
ESO_INS_AMPLj_SWSIM | int | If T, pico-amplifier j is software simulated | |
ESO_INS_LAMPi_ID | str | Id of lamp i | |
ESO_INS_LAMPi_NAME | str | Full name of lamp i | |
ESO_INS_LAMPi_ST | int | Lamp i activated | |
ESO_INS_LAMPi_SWSIM | int | If T, function is software simulated | |
ESO_INS_SHUTi_ST | int | Shutter i activated | |
parameter_i | int | lamp/shutter, id i, regexp [0-9]+ | |
parameter_j | int | amplifier, id j, regexp [0-9]+ | |