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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
creation_datedatetimeThe datetime this objects was created
ESO_QC_ASTRO_FWHM_MADfloatMedian absolute deviation of the FWHM of all sources with valid FWHM measurement (in x- and y-direction) in output cube. If less than three sources with valid FWHM are detected, this value is zero. arcsec
ESO_QC_ASTRO_FWHM_MEDIANfloatMedian FWHM of all sources with valid FWHM measurement (in x- and y-direction) in output cube. If less than three sources with valid FWHM are detected, this value is zero. arcsec
ESO_QC_ASTRO_FWHM_NVALIDintNumber of detected sources with valid FWHM in output cube.
ESO_QC_ASTRO_LAMBDAfloatWavelength of plane in combined cube that was used for object detection. Angstrom
ESO_QC_ASTRO_NDETintNumber of detected sources in output cube.
parameterizedQCpar_DATACUBE_ASTROMETRYLink to the list of parameterized QC attributes

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