creation_date | datetime | The datetime this objects was created | |
ESO_QC_GEO_GAPPOS_MEAN | float | Average of all mean central gap positions of all IFUs for which the measurement could be made. | pix |
ESO_QC_GEO_GAPPOS_STDEV | float | Standard deviation of all mean central gap positions of all IFUs for which the measurement could be made. | pix |
ESO_QC_GEO_MASK_ANGLE | float | Angle of the mask with respect to the slicer system, computed as median angle of all slices of all IFUs for which the measurement could be made. | deg |
ESO_QC_GEO_SMOOTH_NANGLE | int | Number of slices that were changed with respect to angle by smoothing. Gets set to -1 if smoothing is inactive. | |
ESO_QC_GEO_SMOOTH_NWIDTH | int | Number of slices that were changed with respect to width by smoothing. Gets set to -1 if smoothing is inactive. | |
ESO_QC_GEO_SMOOTH_NX | int | Number of slices that were changed with respect to x position by smoothing. Gets set to -1 if smoothing is inactive. | |
ESO_QC_GEO_SMOOTH_NY | int | Number of slices that were changed with respect to y position by smoothing. Gets set to -1 if smoothing is inactive. | |
ESO_QC_GEO_TABLE_NBAD | int | Number of invalid entries in the geometry table. | |
parameterized | QCpar_GEOMETRY_TABLE | Link to the list of parameterized QC attributes | |