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QC_RAMAN_IMAGES_scipost_raman Overview

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Data Model View

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
creation_datedatetimeThe datetime this objects was created
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_FLUX_N2floatComputed average Raman scattered flux in the N2 band (around 6827 Angstrom) erg/(s cm2 arcsec2)
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_FLUX_O2floatComputed average Raman scattered flux in the O2 band (around 6484 Angstrom) erg/(s cm2 arcsec2)
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_SPATIAL_Xfloat2D Polynomial x coefficient
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_SPATIAL_XXfloat2D Polynomial x^2 coefficient
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_SPATIAL_XYfloat2D Polynomial xy coefficient
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_SPATIAL_Yfloat2D Polynomial y coefficient
ESO_QC_SCIPOST_RAMAN_SPATIAL_YYfloat2D Polynomial y^2 coefficient

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