creation_date | datetime | The datetime this objects was created | |
ESO_QC_TRACE_GAPS_MAX | float | Maximum gap between slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_GAPS_MEAN | float | Mean of gaps between slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_GAPS_MEDIAN | float | Median of gaps between slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_GAPS_MIN | float | Minimum of gap between slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_GAPS_STDEV | float | Standard deviation of gaps between slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE10_WIDTH | float | Width of top left slice in the IFU (10 on CCD) | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE39_WIDTH | float | Width of bottom right slice in the IFU (39 on CCD) | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE3_WIDTH | float | Width of bottom left slice in the IFU (3 on CCD) | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE46_WIDTH | float | Width of top right slice in the IFU (46 on CCD) | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE_L_TILT | float | Tilt of leftmost slice, measured as angle from vertical direction | deg |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE_L_XPOS | float | Location of midpoint of leftmost slice | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE_R_TILT | float | Tilt of rightmost slice, measured as angle from vertical direction | deg |
ESO_QC_TRACE_SLICE_R_XPOS | float | Location of midpoint of rightmost slice | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_WIDTHS_MAX | float | Maximum width of slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_WIDTHS_MEAN | float | Mean width of slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_WIDTHS_MEDIAN | float | Median width of slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_WIDTHS_MIN | float | Minimum width of slices | pix |
ESO_QC_TRACE_WIDTHS_STDEV | float | Standard deviation of widths of slices | pix |
parameterized | QCpar_TRACE_TABLE | Link to the list of parameterized QC attributes | |