ESO_QC_BIAS_INPUTi_NSATURATED | int | Number of saturated pixels in raw bias i in input list | |
ESO_QC_BIAS_LEVELn_MEAN | float | Average of the raw median values of all input files in quadrant n | adu |
ESO_QC_BIAS_LEVELn_MEDIAN | float | Median of the raw median values of all input files in quadrant n | adu |
ESO_QC_BIAS_LEVELn_STDEV | float | Standard deviation of the raw median values of all input files in quadrant n | adu |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_MAX | float | Maximum value of master bias in quadrant n | |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_MEAN | float | Mean value of master bias in quadrant n | |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_MEDIAN | float | Median value of master bias in quadrant n | |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_MIN | float | Minimum value of master bias in quadrant n | |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_RON | float | Read-out noise in quadrant n determined from difference images of each adjacent pair of biases in the input dataset in randomly placed windows | count |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_RONERR | float | Read-out noise error in quadrant n determined from difference images of each adjacent pair of biases in the input dataset in randomly placed windows | count |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_SLOPE_X | float | Average horizontal slope of master bias in quadrant n | adu/pix |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_SLOPE_Y | float | Average vertical slope of master bias in quadrant n | adu/pix |
ESO_QC_BIAS_MASTERn_STDEV | float | Standard deviation value of master bias in quadrant n | |
parameter_i | int | input file, id i, regexp [0-9]+ | |
parameter_n | int | quadrant, id n, regexp [1234] | |