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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_NSATURATED_LAMPlintNumber of saturated pixels in output data of lamp l
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_DWLEN_BOTTOMfloatDifference in wavelength computed for the bottom left and bottom right corners of the slice on the CCD Angstrom
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_DWLEN_TOPfloatDifference in wavelength computed for the top left and top right corners of the slice on the CCD Angstrom
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_FIT_NLINESintNumber of arc lines used in calibration solution fit in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_FIT_RMSfloatRMS of the wavelength calibration fit in slice j Angstrom
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LAMPl_LINES_PEAK_MAXfloatPeak count level above background of the brightest line of lamp l in slice j. count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LAMPl_LINES_PEAK_MEANfloatMean peak count level of lines of lamp l above background of detected arc lines in slice j. count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LAMPl_LINES_PEAK_STDEVfloatStandard deviation of peak count level of lines of lamp l above background of detected arc lines in slice j. count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_FWHM_MAXfloatMaximum FWHM of detected arc lines in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_FWHM_MEANfloatMean FWHM of detected arc lines in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_FWHM_MINfloatMinimum FWHM of detected arc lines in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_FWHM_STDEVfloatStandard deviation of FWHM of detected arc lines in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_NDETintNumber of detected arc lines in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_NIDintNumber of identified arc lines in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_PEAK_MAXfloatPeak count level above background of the brightest line in slice j count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_PEAK_MEANfloatMean peak count level above background of detected arc lines in slice j count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_PEAK_MINfloatPeak count level above background of the faintest line in slice j count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_LINES_PEAK_STDEVfloatStandard deviation of peak count level above background of detected arc lines in slice j count
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_RESOLfloatMean spectral resolution R determined in slice j
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_WLENfloatWavelength associated to WLPOS in slice j Angstrom
ESO_QC_WAVECAL_SLICEj_WLPOSfloatPosition of wavelength given in WLEN in slice j pix
parameter_jintslice, id j, regexp [0-9]+
parameter_lintinput lamp, id l, regexp [0-9]

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