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SKY_CONTINUUM_scipost Overview

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Data Model View

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
astrometry_wcsASTROMETRY_WCSinstance of ASTROMETRY_WCS, group calib, min -1, max 1
autocal_factorsAUTOCAL_FACTORSinstance of AUTOCAL_FACTORS, group calib, min 0, max 1
COIstrList of the CO Investigator names.
creation_datedatetimeThe creation date of the object
DATE_OBSdatetimeUTC date on which the data of this file were obtained.
DECfloatTelescope pointing in mean places of equinox J2000, expressed in decimal degrees. The comment field include the value expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds.
drs_versionfloatThe version of the DRS used to make this object
ESO_AOS_HO_LOOP_STintHigh Order loop status
ESO_AOS_JIT_LOOP_STintJitter loop status
ESO_AOS_NGS_ALPHAfloatAlpha coordinate for the natural guide star hms
ESO_AOS_NGS_DELTAfloatDelta coordinate for the natural guide star dms
ESO_AOS_TT_LOOP_STintTip-tilt loop status
ESO_DET_READ_CURIDintUsed detector mode: 1=science/slow, 10=fast
ESO_INS_DROT_POSANGfloatInstrument position angle on sky.
ESO_INS_MODEstrUsed instrument mode.
ESO_INS_TEMP11_VALfloatLeft IFU temperature C
ESO_OBS_IDintObservation block id.
ESO_OBS_NAMEstrObservation block name.
ESO_OBS_STARTdatetimeObservation block start time.
ESO_OBS_TARG_NAMEstrTarget package name.
ESO_OCS_SGS_ASM_GL900_MEDfloatmedian of ASM ground layer ratio at 900m
ESO_OCS_SGS_ASM_GL900_RMSfloatRMS of ASM ground layer ratio at 900m
ESO_TEL_AIRM_ENDfloatMax airmass at end of all inputs.
ESO_TEL_AIRM_STARTfloatMax airmass at start of all inputs.
ESO_TEL_AMBI_FWHM_ENDfloatMax average FWHM of the observatory seeing at the end of the observation, of all inputs.
ESO_TEL_AMBI_FWHM_STARTfloatMax average FWHM of the observatory seeing at the beginning of the observation, of all inputs.
ESO_TEL_AMBI_TAU0floatAverage coherence time s
EXPTIMEfloatThe integration time for a single observation. In averaged infrared observations this corresponds to DIT. Note that this does not represent the photon statistics.
extinct_tableEXTINCT_TABLEinstance of EXTINCT_TABLE, group calib, min 1, max 1
file_deletedintSwitch to indicate if file has been deleted from the data server(s)
filenamestrThe name of the associated file
filter_listFILTER_LISTinstance of FILTER_LIST, group calib, min -1, max 1
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
log_fileLogFileThe log file of the process which created this object
lsf_profileLSF_PROFILEinstance of LSF_PROFILE, group calib, min 0, max -1
MJD_OBSfloatModified Julian Day of the start of the exposure. The MJD is related to the Julian Day (JD) via the formula: MJD = JD-2400000.5 The comment includes a civil representation of the date and time. 8 decimals are required for a precision of one millisecond, 5 decimals for a precision of one second.
muserunMuseRunThe object was created during this MuseRun
musewise_versionstrThe version of Muse-WISE used to make this object
OBJECT_NAMEstrIdentification of target observed.
OBSERVERstrInitials, family name of observer.
observing_blockObservingBlockThe Observing Block of the observation
offset_listOFFSET_LISTinstance of OFFSET_LIST, group calib, min -1, max 1
output_wcsOUTPUT_WCSinstance of OUTPUT_WCS, group calib, min -1, max 1
PIstrName of the Primary Investigator.
PI_COIstrName(s) of proposer(s) (as opposed to observer).
pixtable_objectPIXTABLE_OBJECTinstance of PIXTABLE_OBJECT, group raw, min 1, max -1
process_paramsrecipe_scipostProcessing parameters recipe_scipost
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
quality_paramsQC_SKY_CONTINUUM_scipostThe quality parameters of this product
RAfloatTelescope pointing in mean places of equinox J2000, expressed in decimal degrees. The comment field include the value expressed in hours, minutes and seconds.
raman_linesRAMAN_LINESinstance of RAMAN_LINES, group calib, min 0, max 1
sky_continuumSKY_CONTINUUMinstance of SKY_CONTINUUM, group calib, min 0, max 1
sky_linesSKY_LINESinstance of SKY_LINES, group calib, min 0, max 1
sky_maskSKY_MASKinstance of SKY_MASK, group calib, min 0, max 1
std_responseSTD_RESPONSEinstance of STD_RESPONSE, group calib, min 1, max 1
std_telluricSTD_TELLURICinstance of STD_TELLURIC, group calib, min -1, max 1

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