COI | str | List of the CO Investigator names. | |
creation_date | datetime | The creation date of the object | |
DATE_OBS | datetime | UTC date on which the data of this file were obtained. | |
DEC | float | Telescope pointing in mean places of equinox J2000, expressed in decimal degrees. The comment field include the value expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds. | |
ESO_DET_READ_CURID | int | Used detector mode: 1=science/slow, 10=fast | |
ESO_DPR_CATG | str | Observation category | |
ESO_DPR_TYPE | str | Observation type | |
ESO_INS_DROT_POSANG | float | Instrument position angle on sky. | |
ESO_INS_MODE | str | Used instrument mode. | |
ESO_INS_TEMP11_VAL | float | Left IFU temperature | C |
ESO_OBS_ID | int | Observation block id. | |
ESO_OBS_NAME | str | Observation block name. | |
ESO_OBS_PROG_ID | str | Program ID. | |
ESO_OBS_START | datetime | Observation block start time. | |
ESO_OBS_TARG_NAME | str | Target package name. | |
eso_program | EsoProgram | The Eso Program specifics | |
ESO_TPL_ID | str | Template signature ID | |
EXPTIME | float | The integration time for a single observation. In averaged infrared observations this corresponds to DIT. Note that this does not represent the photon statistics. | |
file_deleted | int | Switch to indicate if file has been deleted from the data server(s) | |
filename | str | The name of the associated file | |
globalname | str | The name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage | |
is_valid | int | Manual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) | |
MJD_OBS | float | Modified Julian Day of the start of the exposure. The MJD is related to the Julian Day (JD) via the formula: MJD = JD-2400000.5 The comment includes a civil representation of the date and time. 8 decimals are required for a precision of one millisecond, 5 decimals for a precision of one second. | |
nifu | int | The IFU used to make the observation | |
OBJECT_NAME | str | Identification of target observed. | |
OBSERVER | str | Initials, family name of observer. | |
observing_block | ObservingBlock | The Observing Block of the observation | |
PI | str | Name of the Primary Investigator. | |
PI_COI | str | Name(s) of proposer(s) (as opposed to observer). | |
quality_flags | int | Automatic/internal quality flag | |
RA | float | Telescope pointing in mean places of equinox J2000, expressed in decimal degrees. The comment field include the value expressed in hours, minutes and seconds. | |
raw_fits | RawFits | The unsplitted raw fits data | |