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recipe_exp_combine Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
crsigmafloatSigma rejection factor to use for cosmic ray rejection during final resampling. A zero or negative value switches cosmic ray rejection off.
crtypestrType of statistics used for detection of cosmic rays during final resampling. "iraf" uses the variance information, "mean" uses standard (mean/stdev) statistics, "median" uses median and the median median of the absolute median deviation. {iraf,mean,median}
dec_offsetsfloatThe DEC offsets of the inputs in DATE-OBS order arcsec
dlambdafloatWavelength step size (in Angstrom). Natural instrument sampling is used, if this is 0.0
dxfloatHorizontal step size for resampling (in arcsec or pixel). The following defaults are taken when this value is set to 0.0: 0.2 for WFM, 0.025 for NFM, 1.0 if data is in pixel units.
dyfloatVertical step size for resampling (in arcsec or pixel). The following defaults are taken when this value is set to 0.0: 0.2 for WFM, 0.025 for NFM, 1.0 if data is in pixel units.
filterstrThe filter name(s) to be used for the output field-of-view image. Each name has to correspond to an EXTNAME in an extension of the FILTER_LIST file. If an unsupported filter name is given, creation of the respective image is omitted. If multiple filter names are given, they have to be comma separated.
formatstrType of output file format, "Cube" is a standard FITS cube with NAXIS=3 and multiple extensions (for data and variance). The extended "x" formats include the reconstructed image(s) in FITS image extensions within the same file. "sdpCube" does some extra calculations to create FITS keywords for the ESO Science Data Products. {Cube,Euro3D,xCube,xEuro3D,sdpCube}
lambdamaxfloatCut off the data above this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s).
lambdaminfloatCut off the data below this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s).
ldintNumber of adjacent pixels to take into account during resampling in all three directions (loop distance); this affects all resampling methods except "nearest".
pixfracstrPixel down-scaling factor for the "drizzle" resampling method. Up to three, comma-separated, floating-point values can be given. If only one value is given, it applies to all dimensions, two values are interpreted as spatial and spectral direction, respectively, while three are taken as horizontal, vertical, and spectral.
ra_offsetsfloatThe RA offsets of the inputs in DATE-OBS order arcsec
rcfloatCritical radius for the "renka" resampling method.
recipe_versionintVersion of the recipe
resamplestrThe resampling technique to use for the final output cube. {nearest,linear,quadratic,renka,drizzle,lanczos}
savestrSelect output product(s) to save. Can contain one or more of "cube" (output cube and associated images; if this is not given, no resampling is done at all) or "combined" (fully reduced and combined pixel table for the full set of exposures; this is useful, if the final resampling step is to be done again separately). If several options are given, they have to be comma-separated.
weightstrType of weighting scheme to use when combining multiple exposures. "exptime" just uses the exposure time to weight the exposures, "fwhm" uses the best available seeing information from the headers as well, "header" queries ESO.DRS.MUSE.WEIGHT of each input file instead of the FWHM, and "none" preserves an existing weight column in the input pixel tables without changes. {exptime,fwhm,header,none}

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