centroid | str | Type of centroiding and FWHM determination to use for all spot measurements: simple barycenter method or using a Gaussian fit. {barycenter,gaussian} | |
ifu1 | int | First IFU to analyze. | |
ifu2 | int | Last IFU to analyze. | |
lambdamax | float | When passing any MASK_CHECK frames in the input, use this upper wavelength cut before reconstructing the image. | |
lambdamin | float | When passing any MASK_CHECK frames in the input, use this lower wavelength cut before reconstructing the image. | |
recipe_version | int | Version of the recipe | |
sigma | float | Sigma detection level for spot detection, in terms of median deviation above the median. | |
smooth | float | Use this sigma-level cut for smoothing of the output table within each slicer stack. Set to non-positive value to deactivate smoothing. | |