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recipe_twilight Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
combinestrType of combination to use {average,median,minmax,sigclip}
crsigmafloatSigma rejection factor to use for cosmic ray rejection during final resampling. A zero or negative value switches cosmic ray rejection off.
crtypestrType of statistics used for detection of cosmic rays during final resampling. "iraf" uses the variance information, "mean" uses standard (mean/stdev) statistics, "median" uses median and the median median of the absolute median deviation. {iraf,mean,median}
dlambdafloatSampling for twilight reconstruction, this should result in planes of equal wavelength coverage.
hsigmafloatHigh sigma for pixel rejection with sigclip
lambdamaxfloatMaximum wavelength for twilight reconstruction.
lambdaminfloatMinimum wavelength for twilight reconstruction.
lsigmafloatLow sigma for pixel rejection with sigclip
nhighintNumber of maximum pixels to reject with minmax
nkeepintNumber of pixels to keep with minmax
nlowintNumber of minimum pixels to reject with minmax
overscanstrIf this is "none", stop when detecting discrepant overscan levels (see ovscsigma), for "offset" it assumes that the mean overscan level represents the real offset in the bias levels of the exposures involved, and adjusts the data accordingly; for "vpoly", a polynomial is fit to the vertical overscan and subtracted from the whole quadrant.
ovscignoreintThe number of pixels of the overscan adjacent to the data section of the CCD that are ignored when computing statistics or fits.
ovscrejectstrThis influences how values are rejected when computing overscan statistics. Either no rejection at all ("none"), rejection using the DCR algorithm ("dcr"), or rejection using an iterative constant fit ("fit").
ovscsigmafloatIf the deviation of mean overscan levels between a raw input image and the reference image is higher than |ovscsigma x stdev|, stop the processing. If overscan="vpoly", this is used as sigma rejection level for the iterative polynomial fit (the level comparison is then done afterwards with |100 x stdev| to guard against incompatible settings). Has no effect for overscan="offset".
recipe_versionintVersion of the recipe
resamplestrThe resampling technique to use for the final output cube. {nearest,linear,quadratic,renka,drizzle,lanczos}
scaleintScale the individual images to a common exposure time before combining them.
vignmaskedgesfloatPixels on edges stronger than this fraction in the normalized image are excluded from the fit to the vignetted area. Set to non-positive number to include them in the fit. This has no effect for NFM skyflats.
vignnfmmaskintThe height of the vignetted region at the top of the MUSE field in NFM. This is the region modeled separately (the final vignetting model might be smaller).
vignsmoothstrType of smoothing to use for the vignetted region given by the VIGNETTING_MASK (for WFM, or the internal mask, for NFM); gaussian uses (vignxpar + vignypar)/2 as FWHM. {polyfit,gaussian,median}
vignxparintParameter used by the vignetting smoothing: x order for polyfit (default, recommended 4), parameter that influences the FWHM for the gaussian (recommended: 10), or x dimension of median filter (recommended 5). If a negative value is found, the default is taken.
vignyparintParameter used by the vignetting smoothing: y order for polyfit (default, recommended 4), parameter that influences the FWHM for the gaussian (recommended: 10), or y dimension of median filter (recommended 5). If a negative value is found, the default is taken.
xorderintPolynomial order to use in x direction to fit the full field of view.
yorderintPolynomial order to use in y direction to fit the full field of view.

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