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QCpar_DATACUBE_FINAL_exp_combine Overview

Query Form

Data Model View

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ESO_QC_EXPCOMB_FWHMk_XfloatFWHM of source k in x-direction in combined cube. If the FWHM measurement fails, this value will be -1. arcsec
ESO_QC_EXPCOMB_FWHMk_YfloatFWHM of source k in y-direction in combined cube. If the FWHM measurement fails, this value will be -1. arcsec
ESO_QC_EXPCOMB_POSk_XfloatPosition of source k in x-direction in combined cube. If the FWHM measurement fails, this value will be -1. pix
ESO_QC_EXPCOMB_POSk_YfloatPosition of source k in y-direction in combined cube. If the FWHM measurement fails, this value will be -1. pix
parameter_kintsource, id k, regexp [0-9]+

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