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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
astrometryintIf false, skip any astrometric calibration, even if one was passed in the input set of files. This causes creation of an output cube with a linear WCS and may result in errors. If you want to use a sensible default, leave this true but do not pass an ASTROMETRY_WCS.
autocalibstrThe type of autocalibration to use. "none" switches it off, "deepfield" uses the revised MPDAF method that can be used for the reduction of mostly empty "Deep Fields", "user" searches for a user-provided table with autocalibration factors. {none,deepfield,user}
crsigmafloatSigma rejection factor to use for cosmic ray rejection during final resampling. A zero or negative value switches cosmic ray rejection off.
crtypestrType of statistics used for detection of cosmic rays during final resampling. "iraf" uses the variance information, "mean" uses standard (mean/stdev) statistics, "median" uses median and the median median of the absolute median deviation. {iraf,mean,median}
darcheckstrCarry out a check of the theoretical DAR correction using source centroiding. If "correct" it will also apply an empirical correction. {none,check,correct}
dlambdafloatWavelength step size (in Angstrom). Natural instrument sampling is used, if this is 0.0
dxfloatHorizontal step size for resampling (in arcsec or pixel). The following defaults are taken when this value is set to 0.0: 0.2 for WFM, 0.025 for NFM, 1.0 if data is in pixel units.
dyfloatVertical step size for resampling (in arcsec or pixel). The following defaults are taken when this value is set to 0.0: 0.2 for WFM, 0.025 for NFM, 1.0 if data is in pixel units.
filterstrThe filter name(s) to be used for the output field-of-view image. Each name has to correspond to an EXTNAME in an extension of the FILTER_LIST file. If an unsupported filter name is given, creation of the respective image is omitted. If multiple filter names are given, they have to be comma separated.
formatstrType of output file format, "Cube" is a standard FITS cube with NAXIS=3 and multiple extensions (for data and variance). The extended "x" formats include the reconstructed image(s) in FITS image extensions within the same file. "sdpCube" does some extra calculations to create FITS keywords for the ESO Science Data Products. {Cube,Euro3D,xCube,xEuro3D,sdpCube}
lambdamaxfloatCut off the data above this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s).
lambdaminfloatCut off the data below this wavelength after loading the pixel table(s).
lambdareffloatReference wavelength used for correction of differential atmospheric refraction. The R-band (peak wavelength ~7000 Angstrom) that is usually used for guiding, is close to the central wavelength of MUSE, so a value of 7000.0 Angstrom should be used if nothing else is known. A value less than zero switches DAR correction off.
ldintNumber of adjacent pixels to take into account during resampling in all three directions (loop distance); this affects all resampling methods except "nearest".
pixfracstrPixel down-scaling factor for the "drizzle" resampling method. Up to three, comma-separated, floating-point values can be given. If only one value is given, it applies to all dimensions, two values are interpreted as spatial and spectral direction, respectively, while three are taken as horizontal, vertical, and spectral.
raman_widthfloatWavelength range around Raman lines [Angstrom].
rcfloatCritical radius for the "renka" resampling method.
recipe_versionintVersion of the recipe
resamplestrThe resampling technique to use for the final output cube. {nearest,linear,quadratic,renka,drizzle,lanczos}
rvcorrstrCorrect the radial velocity of the telescope with reference to either the barycenter of the Solar System (bary), the center of the Sun (helio), or to the center of the Earth (geo). {bary,helio,geo,none}
savestrSelect output product(s) to save. Can contain one or more of "cube", "autocal", "skymodel", "individual", "positioned", "combined", and "stacked". If several options are given, they have to be comma-separated. ("cube": output cube and associated images, if this is not given, no final resampling is done at all -- "autocal": up to two additional output products related to the slice autocalibration -- "raman": up to four additional output products about the Raman light distribution for AO observations -- "skymodel": up to four additional output products about the effectively used sky that was subtracted with the "model" method -- "individual": fully reduced pixel table for each individual exposure -- "positioned": fully reduced and positioned pixel table for each individual exposure, the difference to "individual" is that here, the output pixel tables have coordinates in RA and DEC, and the optional offsets were applied; this is only useful, if both the relative exposure weighting and the final resampling are to be done externally -- "combined": fully reduced and combined pixel table for the full set of exposures, the difference to "positioned" is that all pixel tables are combined into one, with an added weight column; this is useful, if only the final resampling step is to be done separately -- "stacked": an additional output file in form of a 2D column-stacked image, i.e. x direction is pseudo-spatial, y direction is wavelength.)
sky_crsigmastrSigma level clipping for cube-based and spectrum-based CR rejection when creating the sky spectrum. This has to be a string of two comma-separated floating-point numbers. The first value gives the sigma-level rejection for cube-based CR rejection (using "median"), the second value the sigma-level for spectrum-based CR cleaning. Both can be switched off, by passing zero or a negative value.
skymethodstrThe method used to subtract the sky background (spectrum). Option "model" should work in all kinds of science fields: it uses a global sky spectrum model with a local LSF. "model" uses fluxes indicated in the SKY_LINES file as starting estimates, but re-fits them on the global sky spectrum created from the science exposure. If SKY_CONTINUUM is given, it is directly subtracted, otherwise it is created from the sky region of the science exposure. Option "subtract-model" uses the input SKY_LINES and SKY_CONTINUUM, subtracting them directly without re-fitting the fluxes, but still makes use of the local LSF, hence LSF_PROFILE is required. The inputs LSF_PROFILE and SKY_LINES are necessary for these two model-based methods; SKY_CONTINUUM is required for "subtract-model" and optional for "model"; SKY_MASK is optional for "model". Finally, option "simple" creates a sky spectrum from the science data, and directly subtracts it, without taking the LSF into account (LSF_PROFILE and input SKY files are ignored). It works on data that was not flux calibrated. {none,subtract-model,model,simple}
skymodel_csamplingfloatSpectral sampling of the continuum spectrum [Angstrom].
skymodel_fractionfloatFraction of the image (without the ignored part) to be considered as sky. If an input sky mask is provided, the fraction is applied to the regions within the mask. If the whole sky mask should be used, set this parameter to 1.
skymodel_ignorefloatFraction of the image to be ignored. If an input sky mask is provided, the fraction is applied to the regions within the mask. If the whole sky mask should be used, set this parameter to 0.
skymodel_samplingfloatSpectral sampling of the sky spectrum [Angstrom].
weightstrType of weighting scheme to use when combining multiple exposures. "exptime" just uses the exposure time to weight the exposures, "fwhm" uses the best available seeing information from the headers as well, "none" preserves an existing weight column in the input pixel tables without changes. {exptime,fwhm,none}

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